Vision and ethos

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The vision of Immanuel Online School is to be a Christian learning community of educational excellence, where the Christian faith inspires and illuminates our teaching and learning. The school is committed to the highest educational standards, a broad curriculum which draws from classical and contemporary sources and the integrated use of the latest educational technology.


Immanuel is an online school with distinctive culture and values. Christian belief permeates and contextualises all of our study and inspires our school culture of attentive encouragement.

The school welcomes students from all countries and backgrounds. Our goals for learning are that our students may flourish, grow in understanding, enjoy their studies and be stretched academically. To that end, the school teaches a wide range of subjects, based on an enhanced version of the English national curriculum, utilising a range of teaching and learning methods and technologies to provide an exceptional, efficient and supportive school environment for students.


Immanuel Online School confesses the Basis of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance (UK) and the ancient creeds of the Christian Church.