Immanuel Online School follows a broad, enhanced English school curriculum, covering a range of subjects to prepare students for International GCSE exams and for life beyond school.
Browse our learning portal
Students are provided with a unique login to our portal, granting access to their respective courses. These courses, written and developed by subject experts, surpass the standards set by the English national curriculum and for all subjects there is a auto-marking test with immediate feedback for every single lesson.
Alongside, students benefit from course completion features, gamified leveling up, a comprehensive gradebook detailing their progress, and a personalised dashboard with a calendar feature.
Furthermore, students can tailor their profiles and explore a personalised learning dashboard reflecting their engagement with courses, tests, results (per lesson), assignment grades, and feedback. Adhering to the Lesson, Test, Tutorial (LTT) model diligently, students can potentially absorb nearly 20 times more knowledge compared to traditional classroom settings.
Our curriculum is further enhanced with a range of open-access courses and a master class mix, offering additional course selections. For more information on reporting and pastoral care at IOS, please refer to the pastoral link.
Timetables for Year 7 - 11 (2023-2024)
The following subjects are studied by all students in the first to third year of the school (i.e. YR 7 to 9/6th to 8th Grade):
In the fourth and fifth year of the school (i.e. YR10-11/9th to 10th Grade), students study a compulsory core of six IGCSE exam subjects plus Foundation Studies together with their chosen elective IGCSE subjects. For more information on IGCSE courses please click here.
We plan to organise special seminars on a range of subjects, including talks and discussions led by guest speakers.
All learning materials and teaching are in English. As the school may have students from a range of national and linguistic backgrounds, we do not currently offer a specific language as a secondary language in the curriculum. This will be kept under review but we encourage students to make use of the wide range of free and low-cost resources available online for learning and practising languages.