A warm welcome to the website of Immanuel Online School. We hope it provides you with a clear picture of the character and structure of the school. Immanuel Online School is a new initiative: not merely in the sense of being a new venture but also new in its approach to secondary education with a distinctively Christian ethos.
The vision we carry is for a school community where the Christian faith inspires and illuminates our teaching and learning. The school is committed to the highest educational standards, a broad curriculum that draws from classical and contemporary sources and the integrated use of the latest educational technology. In our view, online education has tremendous potential to offer students from any country an engaging and enjoyable alternative way of attending an excellent school.
Our aim is to 'seek first His kingdom and His righteousness' (Matthew 6:33) as a school community and to provide the very best we can for all of our students. If you have any questions about the school, please do not hesitate to write to me using the contact form or by email at contact@immanuelonlineschool.com.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Marvin (BA, PgDL, MA, MTh)
School Director